Rav Avraham Peretz Friedman, Tuesdays 11AM-12PM
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Service Description
A Jewish marriage is not just the marriage of two Jews. The institution of Jewish marriage is the foundation on which all of Jewish community and continuity are built; it is the secret of the nitzchiyus -- the eternal vigor and vitality and kedushah -- of the Jewish nation. But we live in a secular society that relentlessly bombards us -- both subtly and overtly -- with messages that are antagonistic to creating and maintaining a healthy, holy marital relationship founded on authentic Torah hashkafah and behavior. These messages poison us with toxic attitudes that threaten our ability to live successful Torah-true lives and build holy, uniquely-Jewish homes. We've got to know what a Jewish marriage looks like -- its character and ambitions -- if we are to detox from the dangerous influences of the world around us. Rabbi Friedman is the author of two classic works on the topic of the Jewish marriage, about which author and marriage mentor Sara Yoheved Rigler commented, “Rabbi Friedman’s book Marital Intimacy belongs on every Jewish bookshelf. If it were read by every Jewish couple, the divorce rate would plunge and the couple’s happiness index would skyrocket. Similarly, Setting a Table for Two is a basic operating manual for the most complex of all “machines”—marriage. It is an indispensable guide for newly-weds and those who have been married for decades. I’m amazed that Rabbi Friedman could cram so much Jewish wisdom into one small book.” The classic Torah sources teach a couple how to enhance their relationship, achieve real intimacy and create a safe space within which marriage can flourish. This course will combine a philosophical understanding of the institution of Jewish marriage with powerful practical methods for creating the vibrant, dynamic marital relationship the Creator wants us to have. Recordings will be available for this class. The class will be 10 sessions - Oct 29, Nov 5, 12, 19, 26, Dec 3, 10, 17, 24, 31
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